Billiards eBooks

Following are available books that can be purchased from this site or other online bookstores. For the Ebooks, you can purchase and immediately download. videos. Several of these books are also availabe in printed formats from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online book stores worldwide. These books are available in PDF, MOBI, and EPUB formats.

NEW!! Basic Defense & Safety Fundamentals
($5.99 - 60 pages)

Basic Defense & Safety Fundamentals(To purchase & download.) For new and beginning players, this book gives you useful information that can be applied immediately against your opponents.

This book includes all of the quick and dirty little tricks that give you an edge. It presents the basic defensive secret "If I don't have a good shot at winning, I am going to make sure you don't have a good shot." 

Besides immediately useful information (what is a safety, the different kinds of safeties, etc.), there are tips on how to "manage" your opponent.

Remember this critical information: You don't have to win the game. You only need to help your opponent lose the game.

Advanced Cue Ball Control Self-Testing Program
($5.99 - 130 pages)

Advanced Cue Ball Control(To purchase & download.) Are you good enough to be an "A" player? Want to know if your shooting and positioning skills can compete against the top players? The layouts in this book provide a series of common but difficult shots that require excellent pocketing skills with strong cue ball positioning abilities.

Successfully pocketing both object balls in these layouts is proof positive that you are ready to break into the upper ranks. You can hold your own against the aristocracy of the pool playing world.

What if you are not yet ready? Periodically setting up and playing these shots will be an excellent validation that you are improving over time. These are not drills or exercises to shoot over and over in order to master or fine-tune one or more skills.

These are reality-based tests of your current competence. If you find these shots to be beyond your present-day skills, set aside this book for three to six months. Then open the book and select a set of layouts to work on. Print out those pages. With this book on your eBook reader, tablet, or laptop, these provide an excellent confirmation tool at the practice table.

Drills & Exercises for Pool & Pocket Billiards
($9.99 - 163 pages)

Drills & Exercises for Pool & Pocket Billiards(To purchase & download.) Probably the worst experience to live through when holding a cue stick in your hands is practicing. As much as you love the game, there is something about setting up a shot and shooting it over and over (and over) until you just can’t force yourself to continue. You start banging balls around the table with no real focus on accomplishing any kind of improvement.

So, this book could be a waste of time, or it could be an opportunity to take your game from the bar-banger level to the ability to creditably compete in tournaments.

These drills and exercises are based on the concept of progressive advancement. Start with an easy setup, prove that you can make that 4 out of 5 times, and then make it slightly more difficult. Keep on pushing the limits as far as the table edges allow.

Put this book on your eBook reader, smart phone, tablet, or laptop. Bring this to the table along with your paper reinforcement rings (donuts) and you are ready to improve yourself.

This is not a book to be run through a couple of times and then set aside to gather dust in some long unvisited folder on your computing device. Open your online calendar (Google, Yahoo, etc.) and put in reminders every few months to shoot this, that, these, or those pages. In between these scheduled self-testing periods, work with the other Billiard Gods books.

Cue Ball Control Cheat Sheets
($9.99 - 176 pages)

Cue Ball Control Cheat Sheets - Printed & eBookPrinted version available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other online bookstores.)

(To purchase & download.) Ask yourself this: How many times has your game died because you made a bad cue ball control choice? (Actually, do you really want to remember how many times that happened?)

This book reveals many of the billiard gods' closely held secrets on controlling the cue ball. Each page is your cheat sheet to successfully playing a common layout from several cue ball positions. Each layout has a cheat tip (sometimes two) on how to get the best results. With study and practice, these layouts will teach you to master and manage the cue ball to your best advantage. With these examples, you can successfully adapt your new knowledge into handling other shot opportunities with similar characteristics.

Instead of casually learning how to handle position play through thousands of failed shots, these layouts provide the necessary true knowledge that will ensure you can win more games. The basis of your abilities is a necessary balance of skills and knowledge. Skills will develop as you increase your level of shooting experience. But add the facts and details in this book to your knowledge base and you will enhance your development as the Intelligent Shooter.

Safety Toolbox
($9.99 - 182 pages)

Safety Toolbox - printed & eBookPrinted version available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other online bookstores.)

(To purchase & download.) Knowledge is Power" - this book provides the advanced defensive strategies and tactical tools used by professionals and road players for decades. These are the details of defense they would never intentionally reveal..

This is the entire collection of safety tricks and traps accumulated over 50 years of playing experience. Everything is revealed here. Every secret and every stratagem is identified, with specific details and procedures on how to apply them.

Just reading this material will improve your winning percentage by 10%. Put some time in on a practice table and that will improve even more.

Master the art of tricking and trapping your opponent into helping you win. Let him give you the opportunities to beat him. Learn the strategies and tactics that make you the master and lord of the table. Identify your opponent’s weaknesses and strength, and use them against him. The material teaches you how to use defensive plays as offensive tools.

The question really is - are you willing to spend a few months of concentrated learning and skill development? When you follow the suggestions, recommendations, and guidelines in this book, you will win more games than you thought possible – especially against better players. You will become a dangerous and tough competitor.

This book contains the largest collection of safety tools and advanced defensive concepts ever compiled into a single resource. It is designed to provide real world information for regular players. Included are the basic safety types, opponent analysis, tricks and tips, and precision exercises (that will also help your offensive game).

Chaos is your friend. When a bad roll stops your run-out to the win, it is not your bad luck. It is an opportunity to put your opponent in a tough and difficult situation. When you opponent says, “You don’t give may any shots.” – sympathetically say, “Not my job.”

The Art of War versus The Art of Pool
(7.99 - 93 pages)

The Art of War versus The Art of PoolPrinted version available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other online bookstores.)

(To purchase & download.) If Sun Tzu played pool, this is how he would teach strategy and tactics!

The words of the famous and ancient Chinese general Sun Tzu have been read, studied, and applied by millions of students of warfare and those who compare their livelihood to be a similar life and death competition. Many advisors to the movers and shakers of the world have made their fortunes by converting his words for the applications in sports, business and politics.

Many aspects of the 2500 year old treatise on how to wage war have a direct application to the tactics and strategies used in games played upon pocket billiard tables across the world. This book is a presentation of those similarities.

With this knowledge, your viewpoint will shift and adjust. You will see aspects of the game that previously were hidden. These discoveries belong to you and you alone. This is your voyage of discovery. and it will lead to new realizations. The application of that knowledge will stay with you until the last day you ever pick up a stick.

The FAQs of Pool and Billiards
($5.99 - 210 pages)

FAQs of Pool(To purchase & download.) This books is about all of the questions you need to know about the Green Game. Take a look through the Table of Contents.

As you read through the information, you will begin to understand why this fascinating sport has attracted the life-long dedication of millions of people.

For a beginning player, it is a "global" education into the game and how you can improve your skills and knoweldge.

  • General FAQs

  • Gambling FAQs

  • Playing Situations and Circumstances FAQs

  • Practicing FAQs

  • Equipment FAQs

  • Teaching and Learning FAQs

  • Quickie Tips

  • Game Rules (Simplified)

  • Glossary (hundreds and hundreds of terms)

The Psychology of Gamesmanship
($9.99 - 177 pages)

Printed version available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other online bookstores.)

(To purchase & download.) Have you ever lost a game or a match you KNOW should have been yours? Perhaps, your opponent distracted you. If, at any time during a competition, your concentration was destroyed, you were being set up to lose. Unfortunately, there are way to many players who use such tricks in order to gain an advantage. Like it or not, gamesmanship has become as much a part of table competition as the rules of the game.

This book describes every dirty trick someone can play on you - and how to stop them. These situations are most often observed in sports competitions. They also happen in your family, spousal relationships, friendships, work, and in business.

This book is a primer to help you survive life. The more easily you can recognize gamesmanship, the more fun it is to counter-respond. With this information, you no longer need to be the victim of someone else's ruthless behavior.

The book could never be complete enough to cover every possible ploy, but it will help you recognize when someone is playing with your head.

Gamesmanship has been around forever. Tricks and traps to fool others have been used in nature since the beginnings of the food chain. It is so pervasive in the world that Sun Tsu incorporated trickery and deception in his "The Art of War", and that was 2,500 years ago. Even at the first Olympics in ancient Greece, psychological sharking tricks and traps were used to distract and intimidate opponents. These were the guys who came up with the Trojan Horse - an ultimate shark if ever there was one.

However fiercely you may cling to the high ideals of upstanding sportsmanship, the reality of the world is that there are many who do not. This book is your best educational tool.

Check out the Gamesmanship eBooks.

Check out the Billiards Videos.

Check out the translated eBooks (multi-languages).


Billiards eBooks

Billiard Videos

Gamesmanship eBooks