Gamesmanship eBooks

These books provide insights into applying the winning philosophy of Sun Tzu to highly focused areas of competition. (And just for fun, there's the cookbook for single guys.) These books are available in PDF, MOBI, and EPUB formats.

The Psychology of Gamesmanship
($9.99 - 177 pages)

(Purchase and download.) Have you ever lost a game you should have won? Why? Perhaps, your opponent distracted you. If your concentration was destroyed, you were tricked into losing. Whether you like it or not, this kind of gamesmanship is as much a part of competition as the rules and tools of sports.

This book describes every dirty trick someone can play on you - and how to stop them. These situations are most often observed in sports competitions. They also happen in your family, spousal relationships, friendships, work, and in business.

This book is a primer to help you survive life. The more easily you can recognize gamesmanship, the more fun it is to counter-respond. With this information, you no longer need to be the victim of someone else's ruthless behavior.

The book could never be complete enough to cover every possible ploy, but it will help you recognize when someone is playing with your head.

Gamesmanship has been around forever. Tricks and traps to fool others have been used in nature since the beginnings of the food chain. It is so pervasive in the world that Sun Tsu incorporated trickery and deception in his "The Art of War", and that was 2,500 years ago. Even at the first Olympics in ancient Greece, psychological sharking tricks and traps were used to distract and intimidate opponents. These were the guys who came up with the Trojan Horse - an ultimate shark if ever there was one.

However fiercely you may cling to the high ideals of upstanding sportsmanship, the reality of the world is that there are many who do not. This book is your best educational tool.

The Art of Team Coaching
($7.99 - 88 pages)

(Purchase and download.) “The art of war is of vital importance …” are the words, written 2,500 years ago, by the famous & ancient Chinese general Sun Tzu. This is how millions of students began their study of warfare and battlefield management. His words (translated by Lionel Giles) are presented here, followed by its application to managing teams.

This book provides insight into the proper mindset of playing smarter and winning more. You and your staff will gain new insights into:

  • How to win against better teams
  • How to trap and misdirect opponents
  • How to design useful strategies
  • How to devise effective tactics
  • When to attack & how to defend

This book contains the true and real secrets of competition. Within are guidelines to effective training, thinking, planning, and execution. The details presented here remove uncertainty and confusion from your game plans. Every problem now has an answer; every difficulty has a responsive plan.

When you purchase this book, you may want the companion book, "The Art of Personal Competition". Explanations and expectations of the player's own personal commitments are defined, along with a training program. Make sure that each of your players and support staff have a copy. 

The Art of Personal Competition
($7.99 - 97 pages)

(Purchase and download.) This is how Sun Tsu would guide your development as a sports player! Apply the philosophy of war to your competitive development and increase your ability to out-think and out-maneuver opponents!

2,500 years ago, a Chinese general, Sun Tzu, wrote a treatise titled “The Art of War”. It summarized his lifetime experiences of what was important about warfare and battlefield management.

The first words are “The art of war is of vital importance …”. This is how millions of students began their education into the philosophy of organized conflict. His words (translated by Lionel Giles) are presented here – and how they apply to you.

This book provides the guidelines to effective training, preparation, planning, thinking, and execution of your sports career. Inside are the secrets of playing smarter. You will gain new insights into how to:

  • Win against better players
  • Trap and misdirect opponents
  • Design useful strategies
  • Devise effective tactics
  • Attack efficiently
  • Defend aggressively

Make sure you have a pencil and notepad as you read through this book. There will be much re-evaluation of bedrock doctrine. Many current beliefs could be ill-considered dogma. Plus you will need document the many tactical ideas and concepts that will light up your consciousness.

Make sure that your coach and coaching staff get "The Art of Team Competition". This companion book will ensure that your coach will support your personal physical and intellectual skills.

The Art of Politics and Campaigning
($7.99 - 96 pages)

(Purchase and download.) This book was written based upon the assumption that you are involved in a political campaign. It might be for any kind of elective office, or a position that requires the collection of public support. If you are the candidate or active in supporting a candidate, study this material to help make plans as needed. This material is useful regardless of the size of the campaign arena and is easily scalable from running for class president up to a national electoral challenge.

During the last 100 years, many writers have applied Sun Tzu’s book on war to business, sports, and, of course, various levels of politics. His instructions, considerations, suggestions, and warnings have been directly integrated into offensive and defensive strategies and tactics that have been used in all types of governments from the dictatorial to socialistic to democratic. The political playing arena can be as small as a neighborhood to as large as the entire planet. The strategies and tactics of war are presented to advance one political player (person or idea) over another.

Your tactics focus on the many ways to confront opponents, directly or indirectly. The book The Psychology of Gamesmanship provides many tactical tools that can be applied to the political arena.

From the "Art of War"...
"The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.

From the "Art of Politics & Campaigning"...
The art of political competition begins with your commitment to successfully win a position that you want to occupy. In the process, you will have to raise people’s confidence in your knowledge and ability to present yourself, your capability to perform the duties of the position, and how well you are able to respond to setbacks. It requires an expansion of your mental awareness. Preparation for predictable and unpredictable situations is critical to the campaign’s success. Improper or incomplete readiness always results in opportunities to experience abject embarrassment.

Once publicly committed to the race, you can’t quit or even appear to give up – even when the world knows that a snowflake dropping into a pan of boiling water has a better chance of survival than you do winning. If you did, you could never find supporterS willing to help you in another campaign.

Continuing the battle, even against overwhelming odds will keep you in consideration for future political opportunities. When organizations and powerful individuals consider your qualifications, being known as a “quitter” will guarantee your exclusion from the short list.

The Art of Marketing and Promotion
($7.99 - 92 pages)

AMP(Purchase and download.) This is how Sun Tzu would help you develop and implement promotional & marketing programs! Apply the philosophy of war to expanding your business!

2,500 years ago, a Chinese general, Sun Tzu, wrote a treatise titled “The Art of War”. It summarized his lifetime experiences of what was important about warfare and battlefield management.

Your success (and even survival) in the business world depends upon effective research, preparation, planning, thinking, and execution of your promotion programs. Inside are the secrets of business success. Gain new insights into how to:

  • Win against larger, better-funded competitors
  • Design useful marketing strategies that work
  • Create effective messages that get results
  • Design material specifically for target publics
  • Aggressively improve customer attitudes
Make sure you have a pencil and notepad as you read through this book. There will be much re-evaluation of bedrock doctrine. Many current beliefs are actually ill-considered dogma. You need to document the many tactical ideas and concepts this book will inspire your business mindset.

The Kitchen God's Guide for Single Guys
($5.99 - 204 pages)

(Quoted from the Kitchen God himself)

(Purchase and download.) Who am I to call myself a Kitchen God? That’s easy - I am a magical being, vast in knowledge and experience. Although I'm not omnipotent, I come pretty close - sometimes. Outside the kitchen, I only have influence where food is sold (supermarkets, convenience stores, and such places). There I occasionally advise such individuals who are male and single. My power weakens with married guys, and I could care less about the females.

Inside the kitchen with a single guy who is my student, I have great powers of suggestion. I can scan the contents of a refrigerator in a single glance and instantly provide a half dozen tasty ideas. I can even guide the hand to select and add acceptable levels of spices. Take my word for it. I am who I say I am - the Kitchen God, OK?

I am dictating this book to my earth-bound chosen disciple. This is the beginner's guide to basic survival in the kitchen. You will master my basic laws, learn how to perform a few rituals and study all of the various safety processes. If my guidelines are followed religiously, the recipes I provide below will instill in you a sense of adventure and self-sufficiency. Follow my recommendations and suggestions and you will enjoy the consumption of food, instead of considering it to be only fuel. As you become more experienced, I will provide inspirations of brilliant food ideas and thereby make life a bit more enjoyable.

My presence will be known by the food you create. When mundane ingredients are mixed together, and a wonderful taste experience occurs, that is because of me. I personally jogged your elbow and guided your hands.

I will teach you the proper rituals necessary to successful interaction between yourself, food and the kitchen tools. Learn and you'll eat well for the rest of your life. Dismiss my messages and you won't be able to make toast.

As the Kitchen God to single guys, I am your guide and mentor. My responsibility is to prepare you to eat well and enjoy the consumption of flavorful food. Learn at my feet, my son. You are one of mine. I will educate you into the mysteries and wonders of tasty consumables. Accept my teachings and trust my words.

But also know that the path and way of the Kitchen God allows my followers to take those efforts and salvage them. My students will cleverly add and substitute ingredients to achieve a much better tasting representation worthy to be consumed by single men. Therefore, it is acceptable to have other collections of recipes in your kitchen. Simply apply my inspiration to the ingredient list and you will have food worthy of the Kitchen God – that's me folks. 


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Gamesmanship eBooks